Monday, December 30, 2013

First 11 days....

So much to say and so little time to do it!  

I have completed 11 days of liquid and it has been a rough go this time around.  I am glad to finally be on liquid again but everyday so far I have battled not eating something.  It's funny how last year I didn't think twice when I looked at food, I knew I was not going to eat anything while on optifast but this time around I am fighting the want and need to try something...anything just once.  The first few days of optifast were not too bad, ready to start and looking forward to a break from food.  I experienced more side effects this time around as I entered into ketosis, headaches, hunger and food cravings.  I knew it would be a little harder because I was away on vacation during the first three weeks of 1200 calories eating high caloric/salty foods while travelling.  I was home for only 3 days and then I started liquid, my body did not have the luxury of being ready for the shock I put apon it!! 
After finally entering ketosis and feeling not too bad Christmas Eve was just a day away and my husband arrived home from work with a stomach virus i.e. Vomiting and diarreah.  I proceeded with caution sanitizing the house and myself because I definitely did not want to catch his germs...well too late, I woke up on Christmad Eve day with the same symptoms.  Luckily the virus only lasted 36 hours but it drained us both, trying to keep liquid in my system on such low calories was indeed hard but I didn't not eat anything except for a few glasses of flat ginger ale. With all of that past me I feel good in ketosis, very little hunger outside of shake time, but definitely experiencing food cravings and major bad breath.  

Christmas this year was not that hard for me but these past few days if post Christmas parties have been tough.  I think if avoided them all last year and that's why I am finding it harder this time around.  Of course at every party I attend all of my favourite dips, cookies, snacks and drinks surrounded me.  Many times I have wanted to just try "one piece", will it really take me out of ketosis? Some how I talk myself out if it and move on....I am hoping that these occurrences are less and less with each day that passes.  

I want to succeed again this round and I know that the reason I do succeed is because optifast is what allows me to drop significant weight.  Something I have not been able to do in my own and when I want to eat that little piece of food I continuously remind myself of just that.

With the New Year just a few days away, of course I would love to eat a big meal and drink wine with my friends and family but again it is a shake for me and I am OK with that. :)

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