Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Round Two!!!

Ok, so I have been distant not only with my blog but with myself as well.  
It is December 18th, the eve before I start round two of liquid and I am so ready for a break from food.  I haven't posted since July and i know it is because I have been struggling with my weight gain.  I finished year one with keeping 50 lbs off my body, a huge feat.  This is the first year in probably 15 years that I haven't gained weight. I look at how far I have come this past year and where I would be if I were to never have started this program.

I am blessed to be able to join this program again, year two started on November 20th.  New facilitators and a new group with all of us in the same boat.  I am ready for this next challenge.

I am starting year two with 50 lbs of loss and my goal is to reach the 100lb mark.  I will not be disappointed if I do not get there or give up on how far I have come. It is just a personal goal I have set for myself.  If I have learned anything over these past 4 months it is that maintenance is by far the hardest part of this journey and I am not ready to tackle this battle on my own yet.  I need to dig deeper as to why I am running back to food and how I can get past this big hurdle.  I know as I start drinking liquid tomorrow that I will be able to stick to it because I have done this before.  So, while I am enjoying a break from food I plan to write more and work with the therapist to help me figure out why I eat.

My journey is far from over and I know that I will get there, it will just take time.

Time to bring out the ice cubes and wine glass, it's Optifast time again!

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