Sunday, December 16, 2012

The Wine Glass

The significance of the wine glass~

My meal 4 times a day consists of the following - a packet of Optifast,  a plastic shaker, 12 oz of water and ice cubes (oh and a tsp of benefiber not for taste).  Pour 12 oz of cold water into plastic shaker, add 2-3 ice cubes and contents Optifast, shake vigorously until blended and smooth, drink.

That is it, nothing special or exciting to look forward to like food provides.  I have decided to change that theory and enjoy each and every shake like it were a glass of cold crisp white wine!  Now mind you I do not take a wine glass to work each and every day, I transfer the liquid to a drinking glass to enjoy.  When I am home that is a different story, I have a special wine goblet I am using to enjoy my shake to it's fullest, the significance of the wine glass is not for show but to allow me the opportunity to smell, sip and roll the liquid around in my mouth to savor all its flavor like I do with a nice glass of white wine!

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