Thursday, March 7, 2013

My First Meal

Well today was the first day of transition, I made it through 12 weeks of liquid and cannot believe that I did it. I am so proud of myself and am looking forward to these next 6 weeks of food introduction. I have been meal planning all week and was looking forward to my first meal! My first week I will be consuming 3 shakes and a supper meal daily.

My husband was out with friends tonight so it gave me some time alone to cook and enjoy. I came home after work and turned on the music in the kitchen and started cooking. I baked a fresh chicken breast in the oven topped with chopped rosemary, while that was cooking I sliced a Fuji apple and mixed the slices in a bowl with a tsp of cinnamon and a tsp of lemon juice. I baked the apple slices in the oven on a baking sheet until soft. I then steamed chopped carrots with pepper.

I started eating at 6:00pm, my first bite was of a piece of carrot, I used the tools provided in my mindful eating session to take my time chewing and experiencing the piece of carrot, it was warm and sweet, the pepper was very strong on my pallet. I then ate a piece of chicken and the flavour was amazing, I used to smother it with sauces but just chicken and rosemary was so delicious, I found myself chewing the chicken longer just to preserve the flavour. By 6:10pm I was starting to feel full and my stomach was feeling just a bit uneasy, I could feel the food in my stomach but I knew I had to keep eating a bit more. I tried an apple slice and it was amazing, so sweet and warm and it tasted like I was eating a piece of apple pie minus the crust and extra sugar added. By the time 6:20 rolled around I couldn't finish any more apple and was truly full, I decided to save the apples till later in the evening which I just consumed instead of forcing them in.

It's 8pm and I feel good, other than my stomach being a bit uneasy I really enjoyed my first experience with food. Tomorrow supper i am having 3 oz baked haddock with fresh mango salsa i made on top. I think I will be ok with this, let's just hope my stomach feels the same :)

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