Saturday, March 2, 2013

Week 16

This is it, I am officially in my last week of liquid only.  This past week was another good one for me I lost 5 lbs for a total of 65 lbs to date with one more week of liquid to go and 6 weeks of transition.  Time has flown by, I often find myself thinking back to when I started this journey and thought getting through 12 week of liquid would just be unbearable, but in reality it was so easy and here I am just a few days away from taking my first bite of food again.

With that being said, I am definitely anxious about eating again, will my stomach be able to tolerate certain foods, will I enjoy eating again, will I be able to control my wants around certain foods.  Last week was not the easiest and with just a few days left of my final week of liquid I am not finding it to be the most pleasant.  I have the urge to eat, I want to slip a taste of things I am making for my husband and all along I never had the urge to do so.  I know that this is psychological because I am so near the end of liquid and I continue to fight through those urges.

These past few weeks in group session we have focused on transition and meal planning, I know meal planning will be imperative for me as I move through transition as I will no longer have the flexibility of just grabbing 2-3 shakes as I fly out the door in the morning.  I am embracing these next 6 weeks of change as well as taking an opportunity to explore new vegetables I have never thought about before.  With a very strict list of transition foods, I need to be creative so that I am not just eating 3 oz of chicken, a cup of carrots and an apple on the side everyday.  My group peers are very creative and have all provided many different recipe options so that we all get the most out of transition.

So what will my first meal be, I have thought about this for a few days while tackling meal planning.  I really don't think that for my first meal I want to jump into something unrealistic just to get powerful flavor, whatever I choose will be more flavorful than the last 12 weeks of chocolate shakes I am sure.  So this is what I have decided to have on Thursday for my first supper meal:
- 3 oz of fresh grilled chicken breast with fresh rosemary 
- 1 cup of steamed carrots with pepper
- 1 oven baked apple (sliced) with cinnamon and lemon juice
Now, I know I am having chicken, carrots and an apple but it is my first meal and I want to make it easy :) Plus, what better than a juicy piece of chicken, sweet carrots and warm baked apple slices, frig my mouth is watering typing this. Time for a shake I think!


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