Friday, October 5, 2012


I know I said that the next time I post will be when I got the phone call but I need to vent just a bit.  I took it upon myself to check in with the clinic just to see where things stand as the last tentative start date was October 3rd!  As of right now they have 16 people assessed and ready to start which makes me super happy because 3 weeks ago they only had 9.  The problem is that they want to have 20 to start to make it a complete group and I definitely understand that but 16 of us are ready and wanting to get started.

The clinicians are scheduled to complete their assessment rounds on October 23rd and make the final decision on the start date which is now tentatively booked for October 31st.  They are confident that will be the date but will obviously say tentative until its set in stone.  So, at first i felt a bit of frustration as I hung up the phone as its been a few months since my first information session, but as I am blogging it out here I feel great knowing that we have 16 confirmed and assessed participants and now its up to the program clinicians to get this thing rolling :) I have continued the process of cutting back on my bad habits and will enjoy thanksgiving dinner this weekend knowing that in just a few more weeks I will begin this journey!

Happy Thanksgiving Canada!

1 comment:

  1. Happy Thanksgiving! You are so ready for wonder you're frustrated! It's okay though because the time will come eventually and you will be even MORE ready then. :)
