Monday, October 1, 2012

It's Been A While

Well life has been busy!  I know it has been a while since I have posted but I am taking a few minutes now.  Last time I wrote I was preparing to have my Physician Assessment!  It occurred as planned and it was great, he went over my blood work again, took my blood pressure, listened to my lungs and heart, felt my belly and weighed me again, surprisingly I was down 2 lbs but I will take it considering the program hasn't begun as of yet.  My blood pressure was good, I was nervous about that because I have been having a bit of swelling in my feet and ankles, he told me that it is common in obese individuals and he said that he is not concerned because my blood work, heart and blood pressure are normal.  He said that I should see that subside with the weight loss and diet changes.

With all of this being said the doctor thinks that I am the perfect candidate for this program, I am young with good overall health and he feels that I will get a hold of my health and my body will let go of the weight.  I was smiling from ear to ear as I left his office! 

So, it is now October 1st and I am officially waiting for the call that tells me when session 9 is to begin.  The past three weeks have not been the easiest, while I have been waiting I have been eating.  I may have gone a little overboard with eating those foods on the "list", but I have come back down to reality and with a little discussion reminded myself that I am only hurting myself in the process.  I am ready for my program to begin, I am ready to take this step and I am ready for that phone call :) While I am waiting I have started to let more and more people know that I will be starting this journey, everyone is happy for me and supports me in my decision.  I have also been focusing a lot on how I will handle temptations, attending big dinners and most importantly not being able to eat over the Christmas and New Years Holidays due to being on my liquid phase! On paper I can handle it, I know it will be tough while I am going through it.  Having the support of my family and friends will be a big part of my success in this journey!  So, I will continue to wait for that call and until then continue to prepare myself for what is to come.  The next time I post will be to announce the big day!!

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