Sunday, February 3, 2013


Man...cravings have been very frequent these past two days that I thought I would blog about it to help take my mind off of wanting the food!

They started yesterday (Saturday) my husband and I were out shopping for the day. I brought my shakes like I always do and made sure I had one before we left the house. It was 3:30pm about an hour from my supper shake and we were on our way home from shopping, driving in the car and all the sudden I wanted my trigger food and addiction food... A donair and a bag or zesty cheese Doritos. Whether it was occurring out of habit or just pure cravings it was happening. That is all I wanted while driving home, my husband had to list the numerous cons if i were to choose to eat them while I listed off the pros, I even called my sister to talk it out as well. It was a surreal experience, it took over 15 minutes for these cravings to pass, and they were very strong. When I think about having cravings I thought they would be easy to handle, but the experience of yesterday only means that it will happen again and many times throughout this year and will be equally as hard! Even thought I am making changes and breaking my habits and addiction these occasional cravings or wants will always appear.
I spent most of today journaling and reflecting about yesterday's experience and how I will handle the wants when they happen again, my husband is a huge part of my therapy, he is that person of reason when I am thinking irrationally. I know it is hard on him as we'll because he is making changes with his eating as well and Doing fantastic but he does not suffer from the addiction to food like I do which means he will always be my rock. 👫

Today I had cravings as well but I know it is out of habits, it's Super Bowl Sunday and I wanted comfort food. These wants quickly passed after I had my shake and I realized that if I am hungry then it makes it easy for my mind to wander in the direction of food and eating.

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