Sunday, February 17, 2013

Weeks 13 & 14

It's been a few weeks since my last post and I told myself going into this I would keep up with the weekly posts but life has been super busy these past two weeks.  So here it goes, a summary of the past two weeks.

The past two weeks have just been a blur, one week is just rolling into the next at this point and as I sit here and type I cannot believe that starting March 7th I will begin the transition phase back to food. I am almost through 10 weeks of consuming liquid only and at 55 lb lost so far it is just amazing.  All along this liquid phase my body would lose 4 lbs one week and then 3lbs the next and it would go back and forth like this for the most part, but the past three weeks my body seems to be letting go more consistently with a 4.5 lb loss and then a 4 and then another 4 last week.  At this point in the liquid phase I am experiencing no cravings what so ever, and by none I actually mean none. I am not tempted by any of the foods I see people eating, for example work birthday's were celebrated this past week and one of my co-workers made one of my favorite deserts lemon meringue pie, even though it looked delicious I was not having feelings of jealousy or anxiety over the fact that they are eating it and not me, I found that I wasn't focusing on "how much" of the pie was left after everyone enjoyed their slice.  What I am experiencing these past two weeks has been hunger, I would drink my shake and then two hours later I would start to hear my stomach growl, I am trying to focus on those times when I am feeling hunger to determine what type of hunger it is (heart, mouth or stomach) and for the most past it truly is stomach hunger.  Occasionally I will still have thoughts around my addiction foods (donairs and chips),  these are the only two foods that I seem to want more often, they are not a craving but a want out of habits.  The want usually occurs on a drive home from work, or if my husband and I are out running errands, or a Saturday night.  I know that these are habit wants and not cravings because I do not have these feelings with any other food at the moment and I know they are my true go to foods prior to me starting this program.  I have been journaling my experiences when I have these wants so that I can recognize how to handle them as I move back to eating solid food again.  

I am so lucky to have such an amazing support team through this journey, whether it is my group members, my co-workers, my friends, my family or my amazing husband they have all helped to make this journey as easy as possible with just allowing me to share my experiences and talk out my concerns or triumphs.  I couldn't imagine doing this by myself without a support team.  I know I will need to lean on them as I move towards eating again as it will be the hardest part of this journey I am sure!  For now I will continue to enjoy 2 & 1/2 more weeks of liquid only and prepare myself and my daily life for transition.

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