Friday, February 1, 2013

Week 12

Theme of this week....Poop!

Week 12 has passed and another great loss this past week 4 lbs for a total of 47 lbs to date. Time is flying and with only 5 weeks left of just liquid I cannot believe it! Other than occasionally wishing I didn't have to drink another shake things are going well. This week I decided to try a few vanilla shakes, for the past 7 weeks I only consumed the chocolate shakes and was feeling a little bored of them. I swapped a few shakes with a fellow program attendee and yesterday morning I tried the vanilla....not a fan! It's not terrible but I definitely prefer the chocolate.

One thing I have noticed this week is constipation, not a fun topic but something I really have never had to deal with throughout this program. It is recommended that we use Benefiber with our shakes to help keep things moving and I have been using it off and on over the past 7 weeks but haven't experienced any issues until Monday......well with that said constipation is not fun and something I definitely want to avoid for the remainder of my weeks. I am now using restorolax to get things moving and hopefully keep things moving!

This week we had a self directed group session reflecting on last weeks Nutrients session with the dietitian, a very informative session and surprisingly i learned a lot because when i spent time reflecting on what we learned i really was clueless as to what made up a balanced meal. This week I found myself looking at everything my husband was eating and trying to figure out if it was balanced nutritionally or not, it will be fun doing the same when I am eating again.

So that was my week, right now each week just rolls into the next for me and with only 5 weeks left of liquid my plan is to continue on this easy path of not having to think about food and just take it all in.

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