Monday, January 28, 2013

Do I have to clean this again?

I know this is petty but I am sick of cleaning this shaker LOL

I have two of them which definitely helps the situation but having to clean out the shaker after every meal is starting to get to me. You cannot leave the shaker sit for too long after drinking the shake because the end result is not good, things literally start growing 😊 It is also not recommended to put it in the dishwasher so I am washing it 4 times a day which doesn't seem like much but I am finding that I am always washing it. At home my husband has to constantly remind me to wash it because I like to leave it sit.

I am currently trying to figure out how I will retire my Optifast shaker after I officially finish with it. Should I wash it out? Part of me wants to let it sit for days and then just toss it to the wind (well recycling bag). Another part of me wants to give it the respect it deserves by giving it its official last wash and keep it, hmmm!

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