Sunday, January 20, 2013

Week 10...Potatoe/Potato, same thing.

It is Sunday, January 20th, 2013....Week 10 of the program and week 6 of Optifast and I am continuing to move along strong.

I know it has been two weeks since my last post, phew time flies when life is busy.  I must admit, I cannot believe I am in my 6th week of Optifast, one day just runs into the next right now when you do not have to think about your next meal.  I am so happy with how well my body and myself is taking to this program, I am currently at 39 lbs lost and I still have 6 and 1/2 weeks of Optifast left.  I am averaging 4-5 lbs a week and doing so well.  My husband continues to say to me " hunny, you have lost almost 4 - 10 lb bags of potatoes, carry those around for a while".

At this point, I am having very little cravings for those "addiction" foods and what ever hunger I am feeling is actual hunger pains and I know its time to drink my shake.  The smell of foods cooking or what people are eating around me is still getting to me a bit, not its not necessarily a bad situation because it is making me more aware of how to handle myself around trigger foods or just food in general.  One thing that I have noticed myself doing while I cook for family or friends or if I am around food is that I am tempted to lick my finger if food touches it.  For an example, today I helped my husband make a healthy casserole and a bit of the sauce he made got on my finger when I spooned it into the dish and I looked at my finger for at least 15 seconds and contemplated what that sauce would taste like.  I came back to reality and cleaned off my finger.  Multiple times over the past two weeks I have noticed myself wanting to lick whatever "landed" on my finger, and a few of those times I actually did lick my finger.  When I journal and reflect on why I am doing that, I quickly remind myself that I am currently trying to clean my body and mind of my food addiction and I know that food will always tempt me no matter what the situation is. 

I have been consuming nothing but Optifast and water these past 6 weeks and I constantly have to remind myself that everyday that passes and I "choose" to stick to this program, I am moving closer to breaking those old habits and behaviors associated with food.  10 weeks into this program and I know for certain that I never would have been able to get to where I am today without it.  I know there is an even longer and harder road ahead of me when I transition back to food and have to put all that I am learning into daily use, but one thing I do know is that if I continue to stick to this program, my mind and body will be ready for me to tackle the next and most important stage in this journey; Eating again!

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