Thursday, January 3, 2013

Starting the New Year off with a Bang!

It is early into 2013 and I am off to a bang!  3 more lbs down last night for a total of 31, yep that is right 31 lbs lost in just 6 weeks.

Now, I know they say not to focus on the numbers but while I am working on my behaviors I am going to celebrate this milestone with a nice cold glass of chocolate Optifast :) The reason I am celebrating is because it has probably been 10 years or more since the last time I lost 31 lbs, on any diet I would start and lose maybe 20lbs and then quit or go back to behaviors in which I am finally working on now.  Today was the start of week 4 into my 12 weeks of liquid and I am feeling great I went to one of my favorite retail clothing stores on new years eve to buy a new outfit and I am down a top and pant size already.

I knew that once I made it through the holidays things would be much easier and that's because me and my body are getting used to being in Ketosis.  

How I am feeling now: 
  • I am not nearly as tired as I was when I first started liquid
  • I am not hungry, unless it has passed the 4 hour mark and I know its time for a shake
  • I am able to actually recognize true hunger pain now vs just thinking I am hungry
  • My skin although a little dry is clearer and healthier
  • My finger nails are growing like crazy and are not brittle
  • I have recognized 3 behaviors around food in which I am working on changing
  • I am still at this point wanting to eat certain foods but I am currently trying to break that addiction
  • I am starting to be honest about my addiction with food!
 These next 8 weeks are all about me and digging deeper in my food addiction and how I will make the neccessary changes moving forward.  Our weekly group sessions are a pivotal part of my journey and we have an amazing group, we are each very open and have gotten close only 7 weeks in.  We talk outside of weekly sessions and are all motivated to continue this group outside of weekly sessions, obviously we are not near that point yet but it feels good to know that we have such a dedicated group.

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