Friday, December 28, 2012

Made It Through Christmas!

It is December 28th and that means that I made it through Christmas!  Family arrived on Sunday December 23rd and I was ready, what irritability I was experiencing quickly went away when they arrived and we had a wonderful few days with them.

With that being said Christmas was extremely hard for me. Christmas eve was a quiet day, we did some last minute shopping to pass the day and my husband and I cooked a wonderful meal for them.  I did not sit with them while they ate but I simply drank my shake on the couch and engaged in conversation.  Christmas morning I woke up feeling hungry and having a bit of anxiety, I knew that I would be spending most of the day with not just our company (my husbands parents) but we were going to a big dinner with 14 of my family members as well. We arrived at my parents place early to open a few Christmas gifts and then the guests started arriving, my mom and dad planned a sit down dinner for 16 in their home just around the time I would be drinking my shake.  Some of these family members knew I was in this program and others have not been told yet.  I decided to help serve dinner with my parents to avoid sitting down at the dinner table.  The table I sat at was one of two, it consisted of my husband, parents, sister, niece and two relatives, I felt very comfortable while sitting with them when they ate, the two other family members at the table with us did not know I was in the program and I was able to tell them once they figured out I was not even eating!

I did not have a chance to really talk about it with other family members as they didn't notice that I was not eating so I decided to leave it be for now.  I found Christmas day by far the hardest, not because I wanted to eat the food they were having but that I felt like I was missing out on something.  I am still trying to process exactly why I was feeling this way and what it is that I was missing out on.  

Boxing day was an easy day for me, my husbands family left to visit their other son and I attended another big family potluck.  I drank a shake before I left and I drank a shake 4 hours later when I got home, the meal was not sit down but a eat at your leisure so no one noticed that I was not up and picking at all of the food.  A few people did ask me, "did you get something to eat yet?" and I simply said that I already ate, which wasn't really a lie :)  

I made it through the holidays with just a few emotional days but I am so proud of myself for sticking to this and not allowing myself a quick slip up.  I am 16 days into liquid and I made it!  I have not put anything into my mouth other than my shakes and water and again last night at my program it showed on the scale, another 6 lbs down for a total of 28 lbs lost in just 5 weeks! :) 

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