Sunday, December 23, 2012

Taking it one day at a time

That is right, I am taking it one day at a time.  Week 1 of liquid has passed and 7 more lbs down for a total of 22 lbs lost in 4 weeks.  Sounds good to me!  Sticking to drinking only my liquid shakes was easy enough in week 1, now that I am in the middle of week 2 I have really noticed how much I am missing food.  I haven't really had many side effects from being in Ketosis other than the obvious, bad breath, stinky pee, dry mouth and dry skin.  I actually wasn't feeling much hunger until Friday, I was irritable, tired and wanted to eat everything around, even though I stuck to my guns it was a hard day.

So here we are, 1 day away from Christmas.  Day 11 into 90 days of liquid bliss :) feeling a little tired today and semi irritable, trying not to freak out on my husband.  I have started to make note of behaviors around food in which I never had to deal with before or even recognized.  I am taking time to write more and also read to take my mind away from the fact that I miss eating.

I made it through the week with very little issues, now that I am at day 11 of liquid I have had a few bad days.  I noticed I am hungry in between shakes but I cannot yet figure out if it is actual hunger or boredom which I used to fill with food.  I am about to spend three days with many family and friends over Christmas explaining why I am not eating Christmas dinner while they all stuff their faces with the food I love.  Happy Holidays to everyone who is following me! I have a new interesting topics which I will post after Christmas!   

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