Sunday, December 16, 2012

Week 5 & Liquid

It has been just over a week since I last sat down to blog, quite a bit has happened since last week.  I finished off week 4 strong and completely stuck to my 1200 calories/day, I lost another 2 lbs and most of all started week 5 on liquid Optifast.

I left my group meeting on Wednesday with my week supply of optifast packets ready to start a new day, when I got home I counted them all out and separated them into 7 days of 4 packets.  When I got up Thursday it felt like a normal day, I grabbed my 4 packets and shaker and headed to work, I did catch myself wandering around the kitchen for a few minutes opening cupboards out of habit, I felt like I was forgetting something (food maybe).  I was feeling anxiety that morning because I wasn't sure if I would like them and considering this is all I am consuming over the next 100+ days I was worried.  Luckily it tasted OK, it definitely needs to be mixed with cold water and with a few ice cubes.  I found as the day progressed and especially 4 days into liquid I am really enjoying the taste and looking forward to my next shake as it is the only thing other than water that is being consumed.

I got through Thursday fine, surprisingly not experiencing much hunger.  Friday I woke up tired and that lasted most of the day, Saturday was definitely the same, I was tired and feeling some hunger.  Saturday my husband and I went Christmas shopping at the mall, I woke up and drank my shake around 9:00am and we headed out to fight the crowds.  Well, walking around the mall for 3+ hours did it for me, I was exhausted and hungry, we left the mall around noon and I couldn't wait any longer I mixed my shake in the car and scarfed it down.  One thing I have learned is I cannot leave the house without 1-2 packets, a bottle of water and a shaker in my purse, I couldn't just stop and eat something like I normally would.  To be honest the entire day I was struggling with old habits, whenever my husband and I are out and about we pick up stuff to eat while we are shopping; but once I got my shake into me I was ready to keep going.

Today is Sunday and I slept in, I feel great today other then some fatigue and thirst but I am taking it easy wrapping some presents and listening to Christmas music! I cannot believe I am 4 days into liquid already, I could get used to this! 

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