Friday, July 19, 2013

Reality Check...I Can Do This!!

Ok, so maybe I have been lying to myself.  I don't have this, at least not at the moment.  I lost it somewhere in the last three weeks.  Maintenance is not that hard, it's the food addiction that is hard!

Last night, I stepped on my scale at home after eating a box of cookies and was shocked at the number, what happened during these these past 8 days I am not sure.  The number was up quite a bit, I am definitely retaining some fluid as my cycle is due any day, but that's not the only reason!  Who am I kidding, not myself that's for darn sure.  I cried myself to sleep because I am so pissed off at the fact that I let myself slip back into a few old habits over these past few weeks.  I have the tools and the desire to succeed at this, there are no excuses because I have come so far and I know what it has taken to get where I am.  It is this battle with my food addiction that has me where I am! I knew that during transition and maintenance I would gain back 5-10 lbs as it is expected moving from eating a minimal 900 cal to now 2000 cal but I have gained back 15 lbs and at this point I am starting to feel it and know I need to get a grip now!

So, I woke up this morning with a clear head and I am re-directing my pissed off thoughts to fighting this addiction.  My food is packed for the day and my food tracker now has writing on it :) The only person who can do this is me and only me! I am back on track and ready.  

I have my program session this Wednesday coming and my goal for these next 6 days is to stay on track which will hopefully result in the loss of these 5 extra lbs :)

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