Thursday, July 25, 2013

Ok, So I Did It!

My post last week was a wake up call.  I think I have read it 5 times since posting it reminding myself if how I physically and mentally was feeling about my weight gain.  Last night while in group session it felt great to hear others struggles and successes all while recognizing with myself that we are in maintenance and part of this journey is to learn how to maintain our current body weight and not to focus on how much I want to lose before next weigh in.

At the end of transition and as I moved into maintenance my body was at its ultimate loss of 89 lbs, a loss that occurred because of drastic calorie reductions.  It didn't happen because I started exercising or eating the "right" foods.  That is what I am focused on now to maintain my current weight.  Realistically, maintaining those 89 lbs of loss would never happen because I am now eating food again and my calories have doubled from a mere 900.  So, me gaining 14 lbs back was my body adjusting and finding its  happy place and it wasn't until last night that I truly came to peace with it thanks to a group member who pointed this out to all of us.  

This past week I made a plan and stuck to it, I stayed within my calories while enjoying a few indulgences and increased my activity.  Last night I showed an increase of 1 lb on the scale but as a whole within the past month I have fluctuated between 1-2 lbs as a gain or loss which means that I am maintaining 75 lbs of loss and I feel great about that.

I am taking each week by week and now putting all my energy into being content with where I am in this journey.  I do want to loose these 14 lbs I have gained back but I need to do it the right way or should I say the realistic way because this journey of Optifast was not real life, it was  a drastic approach to weight loss which has provided me with all the tools and knowledge to live a healthy and active lifestyle and I just need to do it!

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