Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Week 20

Bye bye two shakes a day. I have officially finished week 3 of transition and two shakes a day. Week 3 of transition was pretty darn good. Eating a bit more and fully savouring each bite, I lost another 4.5 lbs this week for a total of 79.5 to date (I think it's ok to round to 80 at this point since we are weighed with clothes on :)) Starting tomorrow I am now down to consuming one shake a day for the next two weeks and and increasing to breakfast, snack and supper. To be honest I am looking forward to incorporating a snack into my day and dropping a shake. I thought transitioning off shakes would be hard as drinking only shakes is easy but the closer I get to final transition the less I think about the shakes.

This past week I also had my dietitian appointment which was actually very informative, I was provided with my caloric intake for the next 6 months and some meal planning ideas. I utilized my entire hour to ask questions like - which yogurt is the best? to do I need to eat the reduced sodium canned tuna.

Today at work I had a moment of temptation, the first time at work in quite a while. A meeting took place where lunch was provided and leftover sandwiches ad cookies were placed in the kitchen to eat. I immediately felt anxiety as I was sitting in the lunch room finishing off my lunch, I didn't "want" a cookie or sandwich but just seeing them sitting there made me want to eat them out of habit. It was a defined moment in this process as it again is a reminder that there will always be tempting situations at throughout my day or week that are out of my control. It was a pivotal moment for me and one which I had to journal about during and after in order to pass the temptation. But the temptation did pass and it felt great knowing I was able to put the skills I have learned into use.

This weekend is Easter and my husband and I are headed out of town to stay with his parents. All week I have been planning meals and snacks that I will be taking with me. My husbands mother is an amazing cook and this will be my first time away and out of my comfort zone entirely. Planning what I am going to bring is so important to ensure I have everything I need to follow my daily meal plans. I will definitely post a blog about this weekend and my struggles and triumphs :) Happy Easter to everyone!

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