Saturday, March 2, 2013

What a loss of 60 lbs actually means to me

I have been keeping track of little things that I am noticing with my weight loss, when I reached 60lbs, little milestones of accomplishments were popping up everywhere and these are things I used to stress about or were just a part of me living life obese.  Don't' get me wrong, I am still obese and have much more weight to lose but just these little things show me everyday that I made the right choice in this program and will keep this weight off as I look toward the next 60 lbs.

- I feel more confident in myself and my body
- Clothing, I have dropped 2 sizes in tops and almost 2 sizes in bottoms. Means I had to do a bit of shopping :)
- I can sit in a movie theater seat and not have to raise the arm :)
- I can sit in my car, or anyone's car for that matter and not push the seat way back and do up my seatbelt with my heavy winter coat on.
 - What mild sleep-apnea I did have previous to starting this program has almost vanished from my last checkup in January.
- I have lost almost 20% of my body weight
- I am moving around with ease and quicker than ever before
- I can walk/run up a flight of stairs and not be winded
- I wore a bracelet the other day which I used to have to stretch a bit and now it hangs off my wrist
- My ankles and feet are not swollen at the end of the day

I will keep adding to this as I notice things :)

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