Thursday, March 14, 2013

Week 17 &18

Well I made it through my first week of transition and with another 4 lbs lost last week and 2 lbs lost this week I have passed the 70 lb mark!! I feel great and I am enjoying this process of eating again.

My first week of eating suppers went well, very few stomach issues and everything tasted so great. I constantly have to remind myself about mindful eating and enjoying each meal to its fullest. While eating my supper meals I have been reflecting on what each bite tastes like, did I chew enough ( for the most part I do not chew enough) and had to stop myself a few times from swallowing before chewing. One thing I am definitely picking up on is the fullness I am feeling while eating. It is amazing at this point how quickly I feel full while eating, this is a foreign concept to me as prior to starting this program I could eat and eat and rarely feel that full feeling. I welcome this new feeling as I am becoming more aware of how much food my stomach can actually hold and at this point it is not much. But, again it is not much compared to what I used to consume and it feels great knowing that I can recognize stomach fullness now.

Another thing I have noticed since starting to eat again is I do not have a desire at all for those foods I used to binge on, crave and devour too often. Is it because I am feeling satisfied with the fact that I am eating again? Or is it because I have broken my habits ad addictions to those foods? I think a bit of both. Don't get me wrong, I know 100% that I will have days of temptations and wants just like before but the difference now is I have the confidence in myself to say no. I know my trigger foods and I will stay clear of them, will I have cake for my birthday this year? No, but I could make a yummy fruit salad instead and put a candle in it right!

I am still a food addict but now I have the skills and tools to recognize and beat those urges even while consuming healthy food. Honestly, I would never be where I am right now if it wasn't for this program and I can finally recognize and admit it and know that with everyday I am becoming a healthier person inside and out!

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