Thursday, January 24, 2013

Week 11....

Six weeks of liquid left, I cannot believe it! As I sat in group session last night thinking to myself, I made it 6 full weeks with not eating anything, how am I doing this and with another 3 lbs lost this week for a total of 42 lbs lost I can't believe I have come so far in such a short time.

This past week I have noticed that I am not enjoying the shakes as much, from what I used to find the shakes to be appealing, this week I couldn't care if I ever drank them again. When the dietitian asked us last night " how is everything going with Optifast?" A few people started to express their dislike with Optifast over the past week. Ok, I am not alone here! The dietitian said that this is a common occurrence with all groups around this week and it will pass!

So, aside from not enjoying my shakes this week I have noticed I am quite hungry, after three hours of drinking my shake my stomach starts growling and I need to push myself to wait until that fourth hour to consume my shake. The dietitian said that experiencing true hunger in this stage is a good thing so that we can recognize what it feels like when we start to eat again. I thought that maybe I was feeling more hunger because my body was burning more fat but I had a normal loss last night so I figured it can't be that. I am journaling and recording these feelings I am having on a regular basis so that I can reflect on them when I eating again.

I have also started to become more active these past two weeks, I am walking for 15 minutes on my lunch break (when it is not - 28 out like it is today) and my husband and I bowl in a league for 3 hours every Sunday night. I do want to become even more active but that will come with time, right now I am focusing on my behaviours and habits.

Looking forward to these next 6 weeks of carefree eating before starting to transition! Until next week, happy drinking....not! :)

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