Thursday, May 16, 2013

Week 26.....busy dayz

Wow, life has been super busy, but even though life is busy eating will always be a part of my day.  Now officially half way through the program, the past few weeks have been good and bad at the same time.  On a positive note I have increased my activity, started an aqua-fit class once a week and walk 3-4 days a week for 20-30 minutes each time.  I am feeling great with my level of activity, walking is easier than it ever has been and my body just moves around with ease.  I do not have pain in my back or in my legs and my feet do not hurt from standing for periods of time.  

Now with that being said eating has been a bit if a struggle, not everyday but just once in a while.  For the past few weeks while entering into maintenance and increasing my calories I have definitely tested my limits with food.  For some reason foods I said I would never eat again have snuck back into my life.  Chocolate for instance is something I have had more than once but feel gross after eating it,  another food item I have had lately is Nutella on a piece of toast.  Something that could sit in the cupboard for months prior to this program I couldn't get enough of past week.  Again feeling gross after eating it I still wet back to it.  I am constantly reflecting by journaling and trying to determine why I may be seeking these items.  From what I can tell it seems like I am just "testing the water" if I eat this will I gain weight?  It's amazing how quickly I chose to try a few things and how easy it was for me to just decide to eat them.  

Over these past few weeks while increasing calories and activity I have gained 4 lbs back, I know by journaling and keeping a food log that I have gained these lbs because its expected during this phase but I am reminding myself that I need to keep track of this because it could easily get out of control for me.  I knew this part would be the hardest part of this journey for me because I do not have shakes to rely on as a quick fix.  Everyday I have to plan and cook to ensure I have enough to eat and I am getting all my exchanges as I should be.  I am still enjoying cooking and trying new flavours, my taste buds are still shocked when I try something new or introduce a flavour that's strong.  I am satisfied with my exchanges and am not experiencing extreme hunger which could cause me to overeat  or indulge in something I shouldn't.  I just need to remember that this is a journey and there will be ups and downs and as long as I always go back to what I know are the right choices I am ok with the little slips that I may have, it's a part of learning how to live a realistic healthy lifestyle.

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