Wednesday, August 15, 2012

So it Begins!

I received my "assessment" phone call.  Before the program actually starts in October I have quite a bit of medical assessments to complete, this provides the clinicians a complete profile of myself and what they will be dealing with once the program starts.
One great thing about the PfHW program is that I will be medically monitored by a physician, a nurse, a dietitian, a physiotherapist and a psychologist for the entire 52 weeks on a weekly basis.  Each clinician plays an important part in the overall success of every individual who makes their way through the program.  First step is I had to have a series of blood tests completed, I have had to have blood work completed before but come on this time it was 8 tubes they had to fill.  Do they really need 8 tubes of blood to analyze my body profile?  and I have to complete this series of blood work at week 5, 8 16 and 24! That is a lot of blood.
Next I had to complete an online 2 hour questionnaire which touched on my current eating habits, and my thought process around myself and food.  This was eye opening for me, for years I have "lied" to myself about my eating habits good or bad, made excuses and just plain denied what was obvious.  I decided not to "fake" the obvious because part of moving forward with this journey is to face the facts. I like to eat!
With all of this completed next week I will attend my assessment appointment in which I meet with the clinical dietitian to discuss my current food choices and eating habits, this appointment lasts 45 minutes.  I will then visit with the clinical psychologist, believe it or not I am really looking forward to this!  I want to dig deeper into why I have failed in all my other "diet" attempts and what is really causing me to eat.
After I complete my assessment sessions next week, I will definitely post on my experience.
Until next time!

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