Wednesday, November 28, 2012

On to Week 2

Well, week 1 was a success for me in so many ways. I started, stumbled a meal and got back at it!
My week of 1200 calories started on Thursday and I had no problem adjusting Thursday to less calories, Friday was the same....until supper that was. Hunger and old Friday night habits definitely took over and I quickly found myself giving in and bingeing on comfort food, pizza and chips. What was different for me after eating it, is the fact that I acknowledged what I was doing and decided to move forward. So, starting Saturday morning I was committed to giving 1200 calories a chance and I made it!! I strictly followed my food guide and weighed, measured and recorded everything.

Things that surprised me this week:

- The amount of food that I used to eat in a serving.
- How small 2-3 ounces of chicken actually is.
- How satisfied I felt with the little food I was eating.

Do I still want a bag of chips, yep I do! But after stepping on the scale tonight and seeing a 12 lb loss, I think I may just ignore the chips!

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