Thursday, November 15, 2012

The First Day.....

Standing in front of the door to my new beginning, I stare at the word Pull for 2 minutes. All that's left is to open this glass door and on the other side awaits change, knowing that once I go through these doors I will not turn back. It is my first night after waiting for 3 full months to take this journey and it has finally arrived, but who am I kidding, I have been waiting my entire life for this. So I pulled the door open.

I walk in and look around, I was not the first to arrive. I wonder if anyone else stopped and stared at the door like I did and pondered the significance of taking this big step through! I am greeted by the receptionist and escorted to my group session room. Even though I have made this walk before it took forever tonight, I walk into the room and find an empty seat, other people are also sitting around the table, some chatting and others looking at their phones. I look around at the many different people sitting across and next to me, we are all here for the same reasons and these are the people for whom I will spend the next 52 weeks with. There is a large white 3 ring binder on the table in front of me, I open it and flip through the crisp white pages. The young lady sitting across from me repeatedly taps her pen on the binder, when I look up she apologizes for the tapping and let's me know she is nervous. We start to chat to ease her mind a bit.

There are 20 of us, men and women of all sizes and shapes. We introduce ourselves and meet the clinic team before jumping right into session 1 information. Tonight was emotionally draining for me there was a lot of information to soak in with limited time to do so, the information was basic and consisted of general housekeeping, the program, our expectations and our responsibilities. Luckily the binder has all of this information inside so I will take the time this weekend to read it all. The second half of the night was left to have basic body compositions completed and take part in a short fitness test, I went into this program knowing most of my numbers but as always when you see them on paper it reminds me of why I am here. Some people compared their numbers and others like myself tucked the numbers into our binders!

I left last night tired but excited and motivated! Next step is 3 weeks of 1200 calorie days, technically this transition does not start until beginning of week 2 but they provided us a little bit of information so we can prepare and buy the food needed. Looks like I need to hit the grocery store tonight! 1 day down 364 days left!

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