Wednesday, April 10, 2013

My Last Shake

Well today is almost over, I am back from my weekly group session and have mixed feelings over the fact that I do not have a shake for tomorrow. I left tonight feeling like something was missing, no more mixing shakes in the run, no more shakes in my car or even while at a function. I made it through 12 weeks of solid shakes and 5 weeks of shake/food transition. Looking back to my starting week, reaching the end of shakes seemed so far away at the time and here I am now, completely finished. It's a surreal feeling knowing that I will not have a shake to rely on anymore for that quick meal on the go. I came home tonight and packing breakfast, lunch and a snack took so much time then previously. But perhaps it was just me thinking it took a long time to prep because I wanted to grab my shake. No more washing that dang Optifast shaker, I really did not enjoy that and even though cleaning up after cooking and eating meals seems much more tedious it is nothing compared to making sure the shaker was always clean for the next shake.

With having group session tonight I did not have the time to eat supper so like with most weeks my shake became my supper. I filled my container with lots of ice and made sure my water was extra cold. I was careful to not water the shake down too much so it was thick and drank it slow. Like on the first night I slowly sipped the shake and rolled the liquid around in my mouth savouring each drink and relishing on the fact that if it was not for these shakes I wouldn't be where I am today. These shakes brought me clarity and allowed my body and mind to recognize my food addictions and behaviours around food. They allowed me the opportunity to deal with hard situations like Christmas dinner, a special occasion or having a bad day and know that food is not always the answer. These shakes have given me my life back and assisted me with working towards making a healthier lifestyle for myself and my husband.

So, here's to the shake! Until we meet again next round!

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