Thursday, April 4, 2013

Week last week with optifast!

Week 21 has started which means I am on my last week of optifast/food and officially down to 7 shakes to consume. It was surreal this morning as I opened the cupboard and grabbed my last Thursday shake. With everyday that passes this week I plan to savour those shakes as they are the reason I am where I am today. In the beginning I wondered how I was going to get through it and today I am so happy I made it through it!

Last night I had group session and another amazing loss of 5.5lbs for a total of 85 lbs to date. I have been following everything to the book and weighing and measuring all my exchange items. I feel confident knowing that as I continue introducing more calories I will be able to handle this. I have to allow this confidence to be heard because it is a reminder that every day sticking to my new lifestyle is a success in not allowing my food addiction to creep back in. Some people may say that I am being too strict on myself and I should allow myself the occasional "treat", what is a "treat" anyway? That word "treat" for me is associated with many emotional eating episodes and there are no such things as treats to me now. Food is food and when the time is right and i feel that I may want something not on my exchange list i will embrace and I will use everything I have learned to decide whether or not I actually want that item and enjoy it to the fullest if I decide to have it. That right there is change to its fullest!!

Last night we focused on cardiovascular exercise and we were able to get into the gym and move. I have started to incorporate activity in my daily life and have noticed I am much more eager to get moving and be active now that it is easier to move around. I plan to work on strengthening my core and just walk! I have started to walk on my lunch breaks just for 15 minutes and my husband and I are planning over the next 8 weeks to work up to 60 minutes of walking 3-5 days a week. Start slow and work my way up is the key. I want to use my body for activity, I won't pay for a gym at this point, I am just going to walk :). Thinking back to where I was physically at the start of this program, walking was a chore. Last night I bent over in a chair and tied my shoes! Like frig, I haven't done that in years. I bent over while sitting and tied my shoes. That definitely needs to be added my "be inspired" journal!

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